Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society

Providing lectures at the cutting edge
of modern thinking since 1835

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Privacy Policy and Legal Statement

1: Policy history and updates

1. Updates to this policy will appear here, and all registered contacts will be notified of any significant changes using the contact information that they have provided.

2. The GDPR policy was introduced and published on 25 May 2018.

3. On 17 May 2024, this Privacy Policy and Legal Statement was published, which incorporated and superseded the GDPR policy.

2: Purpose

4. The Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society ("the Society") is a membership organisation and a registered charity for “the advancement of education in literature, science and art”. The Society collects, stores, and uses personal information supplied by its members and speakers for various purposes.

5. This notice explains:

  • Privacy: This section explains what we collect, how we use it, and your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation.
  • Copyright: This section explains the copyright status of the Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society website.
  • Disclaimer: This section explains that the Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society is providing this website on an ‘as is’ basis and makes no representations or warranties of any kind to the information provided herein.
  • Cookies and Tracking: This section explains what ‘cookies’ are how they are used on this website.
  • Refund Policy: This section explains the Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society’s process of reimbursing a purchase made through the website.

3: Privacy

  1. Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. When you interact with our services, you deserve to be informed as to what is going on in the background.
  2. This website is hosted by wildapricot.org, which is our provider of cloud-based membership software. This company publishes its own privacy and data protection strategy, to which we are adherent.
  3. Cookies are essential to the functionality of the website. Wild Apricot manages these cookies, details here. The Society does not add any third-party cookies to the website.  Details of our Cookies and Tracking policy are set out below in section 6.

3.1: Personal Data

  1. The personal data that we collect may include:
    • Name
    • Address
    • Personal Email
    • Telephone Number
    • Eligibility for Gift Aid
    • Bank details
    • Titles, professional and academic qualifications, and awards
    • Employment and positions held
    • Photograph
    • Information that you provide when registering for our events, purchasing any products, or making a donation.
  1. Wild Apricot provides most of our core services including membership management, subscriptions, event management, email marketing and the website. If at any point you wish to view or edit the personal details we keep about you, you can find them here – you may need to login first. You may cancel your subscription on the website. To delete your account entirely, contact the administrator.
  2. PayPal is used as a payment gateway, which allows us to process payments online.

3.2: Sources of data

  1. We collect information from the following sources:
    • The membership form* you complete on joining the Society or when renewing or changing your membership
    • The Gift Aid form* declaration
    • Direct Debit mandates you supply (if applicable)
    • Information provided by speakers or in the public domain.

*These forms may be online or in paper format.

3.3: How we use personal data

  1. The Society takes privacy seriously and will never disclose or share personal information without your consent unless required to do so by law. We do not retain personal information for longer than is needed to fulfil membership or to meet legal requirements.
  2. We collect and store personal data in the performance of the membership contract by giving notice of the Society’s programme and activities and as part of our legal obligations for accounting and tax purposes.
  3. The use of cookies and tracking is described in Section 6 on Cookies and Tracking.
  4. We may send notices to our members about our events and other events or activities that we have believe are consistent with the Society’s charitable objects and that may be of interest. These notices may be sent electronically or by paper. Such information will be non-intrusive and processed on the basis of legitimate interest.
  5. We may send information to visitors who have registered for events to remind them of the event and how to access or attend the event. We may also send information to such visitors about the Society and about related events.
  6. The frequency of communications will be reasonable and aligned with the expectations of visitors and members. Recipients will be provided with a clear and easy-to-use mechanism to opt out of receiving further communications. Opt-out requests will be promptly processed, and recipients will be removed from future messaging lists. Visitor information used by such communications will be handled in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation. Contact lists will be securely maintained and protected from unauthorized access or misuse.
  7. We do not share any of your data with third parties, such as sponsors, service providers, or affiliated organizations. Data will be processed using the Wild Apricot membership service, who ensure high standards of security and privacy, see: https://www.wildapricot.com/data-protection

3.4: Your rights

  1. You have the right to access any personal information that the Society holds about you, to correct any inaccuracies or to request erasure of any information held. Please contact us if you have any concerns regarding privacy.

4: Copyright

  1. All original content on the Society website is eligible for protection under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and the Copyright and Rights in Databases Regulations 1997. Unless otherwise stated, these rights are owned by the Society. The Society also asserts its moral rights to the material in which it owns the copyright.
  2. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, material appearing on the Society website may only be copied for personal use by a single individual, or otherwise in accordance with UK copyright law, provided that in all cases the identity and source are indicated. 
  3. Any other reproduction or distribution of the Society website material, either in print or electronically, including commercial use or sale, is not permitted without the consent of the Society. Requests for such use should be sent using the contact form.

5: Disclaimer

24. To the fullest extent permitted at law, the Society is providing this website, its contents, and its online payment facility on an 'as is' basis and makes no (and expressly disclaims all) representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, with respect to this website or the information, content, products, or services included in this site.

25. The material available through the Society website is for information purposes only and cannot be used and/or relied upon for any other purpose. Whilst effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of material produced by the Society and contained within the pages of the Society website, the content is reviewed regularly and is subject to alteration from time to time. It is the responsibility of the user/reader to check the accuracy of the relevant facts, as the Society does not represent or warrant that the information accessible via this web site is accurate, complete, or current.

26. In no circumstances, to the fullest extent permitted by law, shall the Society nor any of its officers be liable for any loss, additional costs or damage howsoever arising suffered as a result of any use of this website or the information, content or products.

27. The Society website may link to third party information providers who are not affiliated to the Society. The Society does not endorse any of these sites, nor the information or merchandise contained or offered by these sites. No steps have been taken by the Society to confirm the accuracy or reliability of any of the information contained in such third parties’ websites, and the Society does not make any representations or warranties as to the security of any information (including, without limitation, personal information) you might be requested to give any third party. You are advised to make your own enquiries and whatever investigations you feel are necessary or appropriate before proceeding with any online or offline transaction with any third party. In no event shall the Society be liable for any damages whatsoever, including, without limitation, costs of procurement of substitute goods or services, lost profits, lost data, or any direct, indirect, special, punitive, incidental, exemplary or consequential damages related to the use, inability to use, performance or non-performance of the information or merchandise offered by such third party sites, even if the Society has been previously advised of the possibility of such losses or damages.  

6: Cookies and Tracking

  1. When you visit the Society website – as an administrator, member, or visitor – cookies may be placed on your computer.
  2. Cookies are essential to the functionality of the website. Wild Apricot manages these cookies, details here. The Society does not add any third-party cookies to the website. 

6.1: What is a cookie?

  1. A cookie is a chunk of data – typically stored as a text file – that is placed on your computer or other device when you visit a particular website. The cookie is used to identify your device to the website when you visit it again so the site can load your preferences, automatically accept your credentials, or otherwise personalize the experience. Cookies do not store personal information about you, just information that identifies your device and makes websites function more smoothly.

6.2: ‘Remember me’

31. To avoid having to enter your email and password every time you log in, you can check the ‘Remember me’ option before clicking the Login button. When you next restart your browser and access the Society website (from the same computer), you'll be automatically logged in. The website remembers you by depositing a cookie (a small text file) on your computer. For security reasons, you should not click ‘remember me’ on shared or public computers. If you do not want this cookie deposited on your computer, then do not check the 'Remember me' box.

32. Some browsers may also offer to remember your login information. To stop your browser from remembering your login information, you need to clear your browser cookies, or cache.

7: Refund Policy

    33. This policy outlines the Society’s process of reimbursing a purchase or a payment or visitor in the event that they request a refund.

    34. Please carefully review your order before confirming your purchase. All sales are considered final.

    35. The Society reserves the right not to refund any purchase made through its website. This policy applies to but is not limited to:

      • Membership fees
      • Event registrations
      • Other products or services that may be sold from time to time.
    36. Following applicable laws, any other conditions, or circumstances where we are legally required to offer a refund, this will be honoured. We may consider a refund where we consider a genuine mistake has been made during ordering. 

    37. For any questions or concerns regarding this Refund Policy, or for any queries with regard to an order please contact us.


    Copyright © 2025 Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society. All Rights Reserved. The Society is a registered charity in the UK.

    Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software